Key Benefits of Sports Chiropractic Care to Professional Athletes


Sports can put unprecedented stress on the body, especially for professional athletes. Unfortunately, many athletes cannot sustain peak performance for a prolonged period because of the lack of sports chiropractic care. Notably, most amateur athletes believe that a massage therapist and a physiotherapist are the only health experts they need to sustain top performance. However, sports chiropractors have become one of the most sought-after professionals in the sporting industry over the last couple of years.

12 October 2021

Benefits of Newborn Chiropractic Examination


When a newborn cries following birth, it is a sign of good health. However, getting a newborn started in its new and strange environment goes beyond triggering the first cry. An infant chiropractic examination is a critical step, which allows a doctor to determine whether a child is healthy. Even though you may be relieved that the examination only takes a few minutes, you may still wonder why your child needs a chiropractic examination in the first place.

29 April 2021

3 Ways Chiropractic Treatment Can Help Alleviate Chronic Migraines


Most people have experienced a migraine in their lives. According to statistics, 4.9 million people in Australia suffer migraines. When migraines become chronic, they can affect one's productivity, social life and overall wellbeing. Also, affected individuals may need to take painkillers every day to manage the pain. But what if you didn't have to rely on medicine to treat your headaches?  Chiropractic treatment is a natural alternative to headache management. Treatment involves aligning the spinal cord, brain and nerves to promote self-healing.

8 January 2021