4 Causes of Back and Neck Pain in Office Workers - and How to Combat Them


Life can be tough for office workers; not only do you have to perform well at your job, you need to make sure that you're safeguarding your physical well-being. Unfortunately, all that sitting can ruin your posture and cause pain in the neck and back. Here are four of the biggest issues, and what you can do to correct them. 

1. You're Crossing Your Legs

Sitting cross-legged probably doesn't seem like such a big deal, but it makes it difficult for you to maintain a straight spine with squared shoulders. Such a position can also overstretch the muscles surrounding your pelvis and interrupt the flow of blood.

Instead, make sure that you're sitting correctly. Adjust your chair so that your knees form a 90-degree angle when your feet are placed squarely on the floor. The knees should be directly above the ankles. Sitting like this might seem odd at first, but you will quickly get used to it, and it will help keep your spine nice and straight.

2. You're Looking Down at Your Computer Screen

If you're looking down at your computer's screen, it means that you're hunching over in order to do so, and that can spell bad news for your back. Ideally, your monitor needs to be at exactly eye-level when you're seated correctly, as described above.

People using desktop computers probably won't have such a problem making this correction; you only need to adjust your chair or tilt the screen a little. However, laptops are tougher. If you're using yours all day, try picking up a stand and a separate keyboard. The stand will elevate your laptop's screen to eye level, and the keyboard can be plugged right in and as used as normal.

3. You're Not Taking Breaks

Humans evolved over millions of years, but that evolutionary process was never geared towards long stretches sitting down. Unfortunately, your body just isn't made to cope with this situation.

Of course, it's pretty much impossible for the average office worker to resist sitting all day, but you can take breaks every hour in order to mitigate any problems. Doing so will take pressure off your spinal disks and increase circulation. Go to the toilet, take a walk around the room, or just stand up and roll your shoulders for a minute or so.

4. You're Cradling Your Phone

One of the most widespread images of the busy office worker sees someone typing away at their computer while pinning a phone between their neck and the side of their head. This is pretty uncomfortable, but it also plays havoc with your neck muscles. They just weren't meant to stay at that angle for more than a few seconds.

Instead, use a headset. You should be able to persuade your superiors to provide one since it will decrease the likelihood of injury, but it's well worth dipping into your own pocket if you're forced to do so.

If you are experiencing any pain, make sure you see a licensed chiropractor. They will be able to make some suggestions based around your own individual needs.


15 March 2016

Walking Proof: Singing The Praises Of Chiropractors

As a chiropractor's receptionist, I have become a walking advertisement for the profession. I run marathons as a hobby and also study part-time. You can imagine the mental and physical strain I impose on my body daily. Pounding the pavements, long hours sitting at a computer and the stress of preparing for exams were taking their toll before I started this job. Fortunately, the lovely clinic where I work provides chiropractic treatments for free. I can honestly say that my aches are almost gone and I have never felt so relaxed, yet alert, when doing exams. I had never considered visiting a chiropractor before, but now I actively recruit friends and family when they complain about ailments. I hope the entries on this blog alert everyone to the broad range of services that chiropractors offer and dispel any concerns. I am certainly a very happy convert!